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About Duggan's

Frank Duggan arrived on St.Croix in January, 1975, after graduating from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. After a little more than brief stint sailing the islands he worked in several local restaturants learning the business. He returned to New England, working at Newport's Black Pearl Restaurant, and then The Bull & Finch Pub in Boston, which was later made famous in the "Cheers" TV show. In 1978, he became a partner in the highly successful Bailey's Beach Bar and Restaurant in downtown Christiansted.  In March of 1981, it was destroyed by a fire


In May 1983, Duggan's Reef opened. The name came from the old John Wayne movie "Donovan's Reef." Now in it's 35th season, it has become an island institution.


Over the years, many celebrities have dined at Duggan's Reef; among them actors Bill Murray, Micheal J. Fox, Steven Segal, and treasure hunter Mel Fisher. Former Connecticut Governor Lowell Weicker is a regular. The late Ted Kennedy and family always had their first and last meal here. Former Major League star Roger Clemens liked it enough to come back three times. Island resident and former New York Knicks star Walt Frazier loves the grilled fish. 


When asked why the restaurant has been successful Frank says "A strong knowledgeable staff with generous portions of food and drink. Overall - we like what we do and we hope it shows." It does!​



September 2017 St.Croix was hit back to back by 2 category 5 hurricanes, Irma and Maria. The restaurant, which escaped major damage in Hugo, 1989, suffered catastrophic damage. The restaurant was  closed for a very long nine months and re opened June 20, 2018. We were very pleased that all of our scattered staff liked us enough to come back.


We'd like to think we're better than ever. 


From the Press


Esquire Magazine

“The best beachfront restaurant on St.Croix.


Caribbean Travel and Life

“Not to be missed.”


Fodor's Guide

“Duggan seems to know everyone.”

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